Pastor Jon Reddick
Jon grew up in a small town east of Indianapolis, Indiana. His parents were relatively recent converts who quickly exhibited true fruit of the Spirit in their lives. As a consequence, the home was a godly one, and Jon had the privilege of conservative Bible-believing Christianity displayed all around him. Growing up in a Christian home, however, does not make one a Christian. After attempting for several years to obtain salvation on his own terms, Jon accepted Christ as a teenager at Northland Christian Camp in Dunbar Wisconsin. At that point, he realized that repentance and faith, not good works, were the requirements by which God granted forgiveness.
As a newly saved teenager, Jon sensed God’s call to minister to other teenagers who needed the gospel. He attended Bob Jones University to train for God’s calling and future ministry. While at BJU, Jon and Deb met. Deb (Baker) grew up in Greenville and was also a student at BJU, studying English and music. They were married in 2005 and currently have four children.
After completing seminary, Jon and Deb were called to First Baptist Church of Lewes in January of 2013 to work the the children and youth. During their time here, the Lord expanded their love for the people of FBC and gave opportunities to serve the entire church through teaching, preaching, counseling and administration. In August of 2020, Jon was called to step into the roll of Senior Pastor.
Contact Pastor Jon at pastor@fbcoflewes.org
Our Former Pastor - David Munro
For the past 22 years, First Baptist Church was blessed to be served by a faithful couple: David and Leslie Munro. They came to Lewes in 2001 after the completion of his Master of Divinity degree from Calvary Baptist Seminary in Lansdale, PA. Over their years here, the Munro's helped create a robust and Christ-honoring music program, a vibrant Joy-Group for seniors, counselling and discipleship ministries aimed at helping those with substance-abuse issues, and more. Pastor Munro's systematic Bible-teaching laid a foundation of faith that the Lord continues to build up on to this day.